Reinbow Miniature Horses
Available Camp Add Ons
Extended Day
Campers can be dropped off at 9:00am and picked up at 4:00pm each day.
$50 per week
**Activities outside the camp hours may not involve horses and are run by the counselors.**
Riding Lessons
30 minute introductory riding lessons will be offered to kids in the Long Day program. Lessons will be offered on various days during the week between 3:45-4:45pm. 2 lesson slots per afternoon.
$45 per lesson
Long Day
Campers spend the full day with us and can be dropped off at 9am and picked up at 5:00pm.
​$100 per week
**Activities outside camp hours may not involve horses and are run by the counselors.**
Blacksmithing Classes
45 min long Blacksmithing classes will be offered for campers in the Long Day program. Offered only on Wednesdays. Preference in order of sign up times.
Register for Add Ons
Campers must PRE REGISTER for Add Ons at least one week BEFORE the start of their camp week.